November 29th & two plants in the Garden are still showing good Fall Colour:
Monday, November 30, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Air Pots™
In early November we depotted and washed out some liners grown in Airpots™ to compare them to the liners grown in regular pots. As we expected from previous trials the liners grown in Airpots™ not only had more roots but the roots were of a much better structure with few if any circling roots & a great many more root tips. You can see the differences between the 2 root systems here.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Davidia Seed
[11/13/09] Today we also picked all the seed off our
Davidia involucrata 'Sonoma'
Davidia involucrata 'Sonoma'
Stewartia seed sowing
Monday, June 1, 2009
Silverbells & Snowbells
Thursday, May 7, 2009
One of a kind!
New Grafts begining to grow.
The Wisterias that we grafted back in February in March are now begining to grow. Often the flower buds shoot out first as you can see here with this double flowered Black Dragon.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Wisteria floribunda 'Mon Nishiki'
We have 2 variegated cultivars, Wisteria floribunda 'Mon Nishiki' & Wisteria sinensis 'Variegata' Sometimes one looks better, sometimes the other! At the moment 'Mon Nishiki looks the best.
Two Cool Dove Trees
Davidia involucrata 'Sonoma' (right) is famous for flowering at a very young age. This brand new liner growing in an Airpot is just proving a point!!
Davidia involucrata 'Lady Sunshine' (below) is a new variegated cultivar of the Dove Tree.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Two Currants
Friday, April 10, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Pinus contorta
Odds & Ends.....
Clematis armandii
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Wisteria Grafting Continues
We are still pluging away at the Wisteria grafting. Here Chiyoko is putting newly grafted plants on our callus bed.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Hellebores Gallore.
Chiyoko has been busy trasplanting Hellebore seedlings & has a lot more to do! What we really want are double flowering forms like the one pictured above but not all the seedlings will be doubles so we have to grow them for 2 years until they flower & we can then divide them by colour & flower type.
Here's hoping for lots of doubles!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Wsiteria Grafting Begins
February 28th 2009
Our first day of Wisteria grafting, Chiyoko busy cutting up & preparing the rootstocks.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Stock Availability List
We spent some time this weekend adding some photos to our stock availability list. You can check it out here to see if there is anything you can't live without :^)..
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